[Vtigercrm-repository] [Vtigercrm-developers] Arrggh Campaigns!
Alan Lord (News)
2010-02-17 11:24:22 UTC
OK - In my efforts to try and export 20 leads from a small campaign, I
accidentally added 2000+ leads into it.

There appears to be three annoying problems with this now:

1. No undo!
2. No way to identify which leads were added when so I could manually
delete them from the db
3. No bulk delete in the campaign screen. I have 122 pages of 20 leads.
Am I supposed to select each page in turn to delete them all?

This facility really needs some TLC for the next release.

The Open Learning Centre

Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
Alan Lord (News)
2010-02-17 11:24:57 UTC
OK - In my efforts to try and export 20 leads from a small campaign, I
accidentally added 2000+ leads into it.

There appears to be three annoying problems with this now:

1. No undo!
2. No way to identify which leads were added when so I could manually
delete them from the db
3. No bulk delete in the campaign screen. I have 122 pages of 20 leads.
Am I supposed to select each page in turn to delete them all?

This facility really needs some TLC for the next release.

The Open Learning Centre

Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
Brett Hooker
2010-02-17 11:53:28 UTC
I seriously thought it was "Talk like a pirate day" when I read your
subject line...

Post by Alan Lord (News)
OK - In my efforts to try and export 20 leads from a small campaign, I
accidentally added 2000+ leads into it.
1. No undo!
2. No way to identify which leads were added when so I could manually
delete them from the db
3. No bulk delete in the campaign screen. I have 122 pages of 20 leads.
Am I supposed to select each page in turn to delete them all?
This facility really needs some TLC for the next release.
Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
Alan Lord (News)
2010-02-17 12:23:16 UTC
Post by Brett Hooker
I seriously thought it was "Talk like a pirate day" when I read your
subject line...

I felt like a bloody pirate! I wanted to swing my sword at the computer.

Post by Brett Hooker
Post by Alan Lord (News)
OK - In my efforts to try and export 20 leads from a small campaign, I
accidentally added 2000+ leads into it.
1. No undo!
2. No way to identify which leads were added when so I could manually
delete them from the db
3. No bulk delete in the campaign screen. I have 122 pages of 20 leads.
Am I supposed to select each page in turn to delete them all?
This facility really needs some TLC for the next release.
The Open Learning Centre

Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
John Crisp
2010-03-02 12:42:27 UTC
Post by Alan Lord (News)
OK - In my efforts to try and export 20 leads from a small campaign, I
accidentally added 2000+ leads into it.
1. No undo!
2. No way to identify which leads were added when so I could manually
delete them from the db
3. No bulk delete in the campaign screen. I have 122 pages of 20 leads.
Am I supposed to select each page in turn to delete them all?
This facility really needs some TLC for the next release.
I've said often that Campaigns needs sorting out.

Yes, maybe there should be an easy option to Add to Campaign, but I get
round this by making a filter in Leads and one in Contacts then
importing using the filter.

No Bulk anything. What about Bulk Select when you want to email 500
people, let alone delete them from the Campaign ??

The only way I get round it is to do it in the evening and change the
number displayed per page to say 100 in config.inc.php and then you only
need to select a few pages. Messy....... very messy. It has been
suggested elsewhere that it should be possible to change this value in
the CRM rather than hacking a config file.

I also wonder why the figures from Potentials/Quotes/SO/Inv cannot be
added to the Campaign. The numbers are there, the relationships are
there, so I don't think it's rocket science, though beyond my meagre skills.

Good luck with your deletions........

B. Rgds

Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
John Crisp
2010-03-02 13:11:54 UTC
I have been asking about this in the forums with no joy. I wondered if
there was someone who could give me a pointer !


I'm trying to hack the PDF Configurator so that the P.O. displays both a
billing address (Ours - not the customers, which is useless) and the
shipping address

I'm actually stuck on how to query the account.id from the contact.id to
get the correct Account name for a Contact to add to the shipping address

If I use phpmyadmin with the following statement, I can get the Account Name

select accountname from vtiger_account, vtiger_contactdetails where
vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_contactdetails.accountid and
vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = 28610

In the PDF creator there is the following code which I think gets the PO
information :

$sql="select vtiger_currency_info.currency_symbol from
vtiger_currency_info inner join vtiger_users on vtiger_users.currency_id
=vtiger_currency_info.id where vtiger_users.id= ".$current_user->id;
$result = $adb->query($sql);
$currency_symbol = $adb->query_result($result,0,'currency_symbol');

//internal number
$id = $idnumber;

//retreiving the PO info
$focus = new PurchaseOrder();
$vendor_name = getVendorName($focus->column_fields['vendor_id']);
$vendor_id = $focus->column_fields['vendor_id'];
$carriername = $focus->column_fields['carrier'];
$PurchaseOrder_no = $focus->column_fields['purchaseorder_no'];
//get the PO date set
$date_to_display_array = array (str_replace
$date_created = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields['createdtime']);
$date_array = explode(" ",$date_created);
$date_to_display_array[1] = str_replace ("-",".",$date_array[0]);
$date_modified = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields['modifiedtime']);
$date_array = explode(" ",$date_modified);
$date_to_display_array[2] = str_replace ("-",".",$date_array[0]);
$date_to_display = $date_to_display_array[$pdf_config_details['dateused']];

// I have added the following :
$myctc_id = $focus->column_fields['contact_id'];

I then added this to try and find the Account Name, but I just get a blank.

$sql = "select accountname from vtiger_account, vtiger_contactdetails
where vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_contactdetails.accountid and
vtiger_contactdetails.contactid =".$myctc_id;
$result = $adb->query($sql);
$the_acct_name = $adb->query_result($result,0,'accountname');

Anyone have any ideas how I can get the Account name ??
Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
John Crisp
2010-03-03 10:40:44 UTC
Finally got the answer myself but don't understand why !
Post by John Crisp
$sql = "select accountname from vtiger_account, vtiger_contactdetails
where vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_contactdetails.accountid and
vtiger_contactdetails.contactid =".$myctc_id;
$result = $adb->query($sql);
$the_acct_name = $adb->query_result($result,0,'accountname');
The answer is changing SELECT accountname to SELECT *

Can anyone explain it ??
Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com

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